Career planning and exploration needs to happen early to help plan student goals. Many of our customers have been able to provide hands-on job activities in a lab setting to help students choose appropriate schools and identify courses of study. MECA has everything you need for your students to identify interests, explore career activities, practice applied academics and put together an achievable career plan. Our video below sums it up.
Students log into MECA and answer simple questions about likes and dislikes of everyday activities. Results of an interest test are automatically scored and possible career areas are assigned and delivered.
Each career area is broken down into audio/video format that students follow in order to get their hands dirty. Each career area allows exposure to entry, mid and advanced-level job activities.
Each job-specific assessment demonstrates how math, communication, and problem solving skills relate to the actual demands of the workplace. These help answer the question, “When am I going to learn this?”
Career planning is exciting to your students because it revolves around their interests. Students learn about a career area and conclude with a questionnaire that begins the “reality check” needed for creating a career pathway.
Interest Indicator - The launching point of MECA. It identifies possible career areas from 16 career clusters based on your student’s likes and dislikes of general, everyday activities.
Work Samples - Hands-on simulations of actual workplace activities. They are a more affordable way for students to get their hands dirty and try out a job in a non-threatening environment.
Learning Assessment Programs - You may know this as “applied academics.” LAPs make the connection between the classroom and the real world by assessing the skills necessary for success in that particular career area.
Career Planners - Career Information system provide occupation information in an age-appropriate way so your students can begin to think about their career pathway.
Watch our video to find out how Socorro Independent School District in El Paso, Texas has been using MECA for almost 20 years!
No installs. No plug-ins. No wonkey software. Just a cloud-based solution that you and your students can access anywhere, anytime and from any device with an internet connection.
Conover Company has been creating assessments and curriculum for almost 45 years. Everything inside of our MECA system is research-based and built off of decades of experience with tens of thousands of users. Nothing on the market comes close to Conover Online in terms of validity and credibility.
Select the button below to get immediate access to a sample of MECA including the Interest Indicator and multiple career areas.
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