a group of women smiling

Self-control plays a big role in learning to manage stress and anxiety. Self-control is the ability to handle personal feelings and emotions in difficult situations. Learning to manage anxiety requires you to learn self-control. Without self-control, it is impossible to manage your stress and anxiety. In this post, you will learn about the role of self-control in managing your anxiety. Here are some things you will learn about self-control:

  1. Locus of Control
  2. Self-Efficacy
  3. Emotions and Self-Control
  4. Choice Theory

Locus of Control

The researcher Julian Rotter concluded that people’s feelings or beliefs about factors that rule their behavior are as important as the actual factors themselves. People’s thoughts are just as important as what actually happens. Rotter used the term “locus of control” to refer to people’s beliefs about their own self-control.

People with an internal locus of control or “internals” believe that only they are responsible for what happens to them. However, people with an external locus of control or “externals” believe that they have no control over what happens to them. “Externals” view themselves as victims of fate or of other outside forces beyond their control. What is important to note is that Rotter’s research shows that locus of control can change in one’s lifetime. If it can change, then it can be learned.



Albert Bandura, in his book Self-Efficacy: Exercise of Control, explains personal self-efficacy as the belief in one’s abilities to do something. In other words, self-efficacy is the belief one has in one’s own ability to do something that will get a positive result. Self-efficacy is important in reaching our goals because we are much more likely to follow a course of action if we believe that we can reach our goal. If we believe that we do not have the power to get results, we will not even attempt to do the activity.

Self-control, or the ability to choose what one wants, is highly affected by the level of personal self-efficacy. If self-efficacy is high, people believe they have the abilities to achieve and they will attempt to set goals. If self-efficacy is low, people do not believe in their abilities to achieve, and as a result, goals will not be set. High levels of self-efficacy result in high levels of self-control. Low levels of self-efficacy result in low self-control.

be proactive

Emotions and Self-Control

It is important for all of us to learn how to understand our emotions. The trouble with emotions is that sometimes they are not correctly tied to the situation, and they tell us to act in a bad way. Emotions are an important part of our lives. Emotions guide us when dealing with everyday things such as facing danger, working hard to achieve a goal, finding a mate, and even selecting a career. So, each emotion tells us how to act.

Fear, anxiety, worry, and anger are all common emotions tied to self-control. What do all of these emotions have in common? They are all triggered by stress. Whenever you experience a lot of stress, these emotions begin to bother you and take away from your ability to control yourself. How do you reduce the effects of fear, anxiety, worry and anger? Develop self-control.

a woman with curly hair

Choice Theory

William Glasser, in his book Choice Theory, A New Psychology of Personal Freedom, describes choice theory. According to Glasser’s Choice Theory, reason, personal choice, and personal responsibility are the keys to success. Did you ever hear people say that they are miserable and unhappy? If asked why, they most likely blame someone else for their misery. According to Glasser, it never occurs to them that they are the one choosing the unhappiness that they are complaining about. In addition, Glasser’s Choice Theory explains that we simply cannot control others. We can only control ourselves.

For example, you’ve probably heard someone say, “He made me mad!” This is a ridiculous statement. When someone says this, what they are really trying to do is make some other person responsible for their emotions. In other words, no one except you has the power to control how you feel and react in a situation.

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