Your Decision Making Skills can Make or Break You
This Is Why Student Success Depends Upon Your Good Decision Making Skills
This Is Why Student Success Depends Upon Your Good Decision Making Skills
Every day your students face a number of decisions in the classroom. Some of these decisions are easy and require almost no thought at all. But some of these decisions have a tough problem at their core. The outcome is not easily predictable. The first step in these cases is [...]
Imagine that one of your students comes into class upset about something. He walks in slowly with his head down, throws his backpack on the floor and slams his book on his desk. He lays his face down on his book and covers his head with his hands. There are [...]
How interpersonal awareness allows you to understand your students and become a better classroom leader.
It may be a scary thought, but will you typically spend more hours of the day with your coworkers than with anyone else. This is one reason it is important that you get along with your peers as best you can. You see, poor relationships can cause a department or [...]
Your relationship with your supervisor, or manager, is a key factor in determining happiness in your job. You will want to put forth effort in this relationship from the beginning of your new job. A great way to do this is to meet with your supervisor or manager sometime during [...]
How your own assertion affects student success and achievement.
Our society tends to encourage instant relationships with others. However, while forming relationships can seem to be easy, very few of them develop into long-lasting relationships. Interpersonal commitment is the ability to form durable and lasting relationships with others. Our mobile, fast-paced society has made it harder than ever to [...]
Become a more confident teacher by improving your self-esteem.
Responding is an important part of teaching empathy to your students. This is especially true for tough situations where students may not know how to respond to others appropriately. The skills of empathy can teach your students how to respond appropriately, no matter the situation. Here are five tips to [...]