
This program will help users project a positive image. The Hygiene program provides users with step-by-step instructions on how to take a bath or shower, floss and brush your teeth, use deodorant, and wash your face and hands.


How to take a bath or shower

  • Decide to take a bath or shower
  • Make sure you have a towel
  • Make sure you have a washcloth
  • You need soap, shampoo, and conditioner
  • Remove your clothes
  • Put your clothes in the dirty clothes basket
  • Turn on the water
  • Check the water
  • If taking a shower, shut the shower door
  • Adjust the shower nozzle
  • If taking a bath, fill the tub
  • Get wet
  • Put shampoo in your hair and scrub
  • Rinse out the shampoo
  • Put conditioner in your hair and scrub
  • Rinse out the conditioner
  • Wash with soap and a washcloth
  • Rinse off the soap
  • Turn off the water
  • Dry off with the towel
  • Bathe each day

How to floss and brush your teeth

  • Get the dental floss
  • Tear off about 12 inches
  • Wrap the floss around your fingers
  • Floss between each tooth
  • Get your toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Turn on the water
  • Wet the toothbrush
  • Put toothpaste on the toothbrush
  • Put the toothbrush on your teeth
  • Move the toothbrush in a circular motion
  • Do not swallow any toothpaste
  • When finished, spit out the toothpaste
  • Rinse off the toothbrush
  • Brush your teeth one more time with water
  • Rinse the toothbrush again
  • Rinse out your mouth
  • Put the toothbrush and toothpaste away
  • Brush your teeth each day

How to use deodorant

  • Take out the deodorant
  • Remove the lid
  • Turn the knob on the bottom of the deodorant
  • Place the deodorant on your underarm
  • Rub or spray the deodorant onto your underarm
  • Do both underarms
  • When finished, put the lid on the deodorant
  • Put the deodorant away
  • Use deodorant every day

How to wash your face and hands

  • Go to the sink
  • Get the soap and a towel
  • First wash your hands
  • Turn on the water
  • Put soap on your hands
  • Put a little water on your hands
  • Rub your hands together
  • Rinse off your hands
  • Then wash your face
  • Put water on your face
  • Then put soap on your face
  • Rinse off your face
  • Turn the water off
  • Dry off your face
  • Dry your hands
  • Put away the soap
  • Hang up the towel
  • Wash your face and hands often

How to control germs

  • For a cold or cough
  • Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing
  • Don’t touch dirty things
  • Keep your hands away from your face
  • Use rubber gloves
  • If your nose runs
  • Wipe your nose with facial tissue
  • Don’t pick your nose
  • Blow into a facial tissue