Employment Information Signs and Words
The workforce presents individuals with a whole new set of vocabulary specific to job situations. Our Employment Information Signs and Words program helps users become familiar with signs and words that are used on the job, ensuring a successful transition from your classroom to the workplace. Examples of signs and words included in this program are attitude, benefits, dependents, employer, fired, hired, lay off, overtime, and vacation.

- Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Address
- Appearance
- Application
- Attended
- Attitude
- Benefits
- Career
- Citizenship
- Classified Ad
- Day Off
- Deductions
- Dependents
- Education
- Emergency
- Employee
- Employer
- Employment
- Employment Agency
- Employment History
- Equal Opportunity Employer
- Exemption
- Federal Income Tax
- FICA Tax
- Fired
- Fringe Benefits
- Gross Pay
- Hired
- Holiday
- Interests
- Internship
- Interview
- Job
- Job Application
- Job Offer
- Job Opening
- Lay Off
- Letter of Recommendation
- Minimum Wage
- Net Pay
- Occupation
- Overtime
- Pay Period
- Payroll Deductions
- Pension Fund
- Personal Data
- Position
- Present Address
- Previous Address
- Punctual
- Qualifications
- Quitting Time
- Reason for Leaving
- Recommendation
- References
- Reliable
- Résumé
- Retirement
- Salary
- Schedule
- Shift
- Sick Leave
- Social Security Card
- Social Security Number
- Starting Time
- State Income Tax
- Supervisor
- Trainee
- Training
- Unemployment Compensation
- Union
- Vacation
- Wage
- Weekend
- Withholding
- Work Duties
- Work Experience
- Workday
- Working Conditions
- Worker’s Compensation