Tools at Work
Tools at Work gives users the knowledge to confidently go to a job site with a basic understanding of frequently used tools. This program familiarizes users with 80 common hand and power tools that they will encounter on the job. Examples of tools covered in this program include awl, bolt, drill bit, file, glove, hammer, safety glasses, and many more.

- Adjustable Wrench
- Allen Wrench
- Awl
- Back Saw
- Band Saw
- Bar Clamp
- Belt Sander
- Board
- Bolt
- Box-End Wrench
- Brace
- C Clamp
- Caliper
- Caulking Gun
- Center Punch
- Channel-Lock Pliers
- Chisel
- Combination Square
- Combination Wrench
- Countersink
- Diagonal Pliers
- Drill Bit
- Drill Press
- Ear Protectors
- Electrician’s Pliers
- Face Mask
- File
- Flux
- Glass Cutter
- Gloves
- Hacksaw
- Hammer
- Hand Drill
- Hand Plane
- Hand Saw
- Knife
- Level
- Long Nose Pliers
- Mallet
- Nail
- Nail Set
- Nut
- Nut Driver
- Offset Screwdriver
- Open-End Wrench
- Paintbrush
- Phillips Screw
- Phillips Screwdriver
- Pipe Cutter
- Pipe Wrench
- Plunger
- Pry Bar
- Putty Knife
- Rag
- Router
- Ruler
- Saber Saw
- Safety Glasses
- Safety Helmet
- Sandpaper
- Slip-Joint Pliers
- Slotted Screw
- Slotted Screwdriver
- Snips
- Socket
- Socket Wrench
- Solder
- Soldering Iron
- Square
- Staple Gun
- Steel Tape Rule
- Stubby Screwdriver
- Table Saw
- Toolbox
- Torque Wrench
- Try Square
- Vise
- Vise Grip Pliers
- Wire Stripper
- Wood Rasp