Anger Management – You Can’t Discipline Your Way Out of the Problem

Recently the U.S. Department of Education sent guidance from the director of the Office of Special Education Programs, Ruth Ryder, to all public schools stating that schools are required to provide positive behavioral supports to students with disabilities. One major reason these supports are needed is because these students [...]

By |2024-12-05T13:58:21-06:00September 2nd, 2016|Anger Management, Corporate, Education, Emotional Intelligence, Soft Skills|Comments Off on Anger Management – You Can’t Discipline Your Way Out of the Problem
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Interpersonal Awareness – Social Skills Start With You

Interpersonal awareness is the ability to show a true understanding of yourself and others, and having a deep knowledge of your own thoughts and feelings. Interpersonal awareness is a cornerstone for social/emotional learning, and it's a skill that helps us get along with others. When you think about social skills, you probably [...]

By |2021-04-20T11:19:41-05:00June 6th, 2016|Corporate, Education, Emotional Intelligence, SEL|Comments Off on Interpersonal Awareness – Social Skills Start With You

Empathy – The Cornerstone of Emotional Intelligence

“Put yourself in his/her shoes.” That’s what we tell someone when we want them to see things from someone else’s point of view. Empathy is the ability to communicate (send and receive messages) and lead by understanding others’ thoughts, views, and feelings. The Good Results of Empathy When empathy [...]

By |2021-04-20T10:52:12-05:00May 16th, 2016|Corporate, Education, Emotional Intelligence|Comments Off on Empathy – The Cornerstone of Emotional Intelligence

The Importance of Having a Positive Attitude

You can't always control what happens to you, but you can control how you respond to it. Your attitude, positive or negative, will set your course. It's been said that your attitude determines your altitude, or the level at which you live your life. This is especially true during the job [...]

By |2019-09-30T15:17:52-05:00May 10th, 2016|Corporate, Education, Soft Skills|Comments Off on The Importance of Having a Positive Attitude

Being Flexible

As long as you have a flexible attitude, you will have no problem accepting the different changes that each new day brings. To be flexible means to be willing to adapt to change. Being flexible in your work requires that you keep an open mind. There are many situations in [...]

By |2019-10-01T08:51:36-05:00April 29th, 2016|Corporate, Education, Soft Skills|Comments Off on Being Flexible

Accepting Criticism

  You know the feeling - the embarrassment, self-doubt and hint of anger that all seem to swell up when you’re confronted with criticism over your performance or results on a project. Criticism can be hard to receive without taking personally. The truth is that everybody in the [...]

By |2017-04-30T16:18:21-05:00April 25th, 2016|Corporate, Education, Emotional Intelligence, Soft Skills|Comments Off on Accepting Criticism

Responding to Guidance and Direction

React vs Respond These two words are the difference between a thoughtful positive attitude and a reactive negative attitude. When someone offers guidance and direction to you, you need to respond. This means that you think about it, use reason to find a solution and take the appropriate action. [...]

By |2021-04-20T11:22:13-05:00April 15th, 2016|Corporate, Education, Emotional Intelligence, Soft Skills|Comments Off on Responding to Guidance and Direction

Organization in the Workplace

  Organization is crucial to meeting deadlines, keeping track of important documents, and keeping your work station clutter free. In this video, a manager needs an important document quickly. Listen to their conversation. After watching the video think about the following things; What happened to cause the employee [...]

By |2017-04-30T16:18:21-05:00March 28th, 2016|Corporate, Education, Emotional Intelligence, Soft Skills|Comments Off on Organization in the Workplace

6 Rules for Improving Your Attitude

Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms-To choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way. Viktor E. Frankl Viktor Frankl was forced to labor in the German concentration camps of World War II. His job was [...]

By |2017-04-30T16:18:21-05:00March 25th, 2016|Corporate, Education, Emotional Intelligence, Soft Skills|Comments Off on 6 Rules for Improving Your Attitude
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