Assessments Drive Instruction

Everyone thinks they know what they want, but if you really think about it, we only know what we don’t want, based on what we don’t like. This can be dangerous, because if we don't know what we want, we don't have an end goal and we end up losing [...]

By |2017-04-30T16:18:28-05:00October 30th, 2012|Education|Comments Off on Assessments Drive Instruction

Don’t Think Band-Aid, Think big Picture

It’s been said that the first step in solving a problem is recognizing that there’s a problem. One of the biggest problems I hear from school districts all over the country is that they don’t have enough time to properly administer, score, interpret, and catalog assessment results that are required [...]

By |2017-04-30T16:18:28-05:00October 15th, 2012|Education|Comments Off on Don’t Think Band-Aid, Think big Picture

The Case for Social Emotional Learning

If you pay attention, you can see examples of people exhibiting emotional intelligence skills every day. When your boss cuts you a break for being late because he knows you're having a rough week; when you get up an hour early every day to study after a poor performance on [...]

By |2017-04-30T16:18:28-05:00October 2nd, 2012|Education, Emotional Intelligence|Comments Off on The Case for Social Emotional Learning

HTML 5 – Heard of it Yet? You Have Now

Product failure happens more often than not, when people get frustrated with the process involved in using the program rather than the program itself. We've eliminated all of the barriers and simplified the process so Conover Online works - period.

By |2017-04-30T16:18:28-05:00September 19th, 2012|Education|Comments Off on HTML 5 – Heard of it Yet? You Have Now

The Not-So-Direct Relationship Between Spending and Success

Money can't solve all of our problems – especially in the education system. No matter what side of the coin you are on, it's hard to deny that the education system in this country is out of control. Spending is at an all-time high (and only getting worse) and districts are trying [...]

By |2017-04-30T16:18:28-05:00September 12th, 2012|Education|Comments Off on The Not-So-Direct Relationship Between Spending and Success

Sharks in the SPED Waters

As part of my job with the Conover Company, I like to keep in the loop with the current happenings in special education to ensure that I have a good understanding of the ever changing needs that we as a nation tend to face. I came across an article called, Private Firms [...]

By |2017-04-30T16:18:28-05:00September 4th, 2012|Education|Comments Off on Sharks in the SPED Waters

Your Back to School Shopping List

Back to school shopping is overwhelming, to say the least. Teachers send out their lists of recommended school supplies, filled with things like pencils, erasers, markers and rulers. Well what if we told you that we could simplify your shopping list. This year, instead of heading off to Target for [...]

By |2016-05-12T09:59:33-05:00August 28th, 2012|Education|Comments Off on Your Back to School Shopping List

Physical Wellness – Be the Best That You Can Be

We are only given one body. That body is necessary, to not only get us through life, but to enjoy life and all it has to offer. People in good health often take for granted what it means to be able to go for a hike, take a swim or [...]

By |2017-04-30T16:18:28-05:00August 20th, 2012|Education|Comments Off on Physical Wellness – Be the Best That You Can Be

Video Modeling in Her Own Words

We’re always talking about how beneficial video modeling is to people with special needs. Some people have taken our word for it and have experienced it for themselves. Others are still waiting for proof or validation of its capabilities. For the latter group, it’s our pleasure to introduce to you, [...]

By |2016-05-12T10:04:25-05:00August 16th, 2012|Education, Life Skills|Comments Off on Video Modeling in Her Own Words

Stress Management

We all know the feeling of being stressed out; whether it was during a time when you had too much on your plate or maybe you were put into an uncomfortable position. The sense of anxiety that comes with stress is so overwhelming that some people struggle to find healthy [...]

By |2017-04-30T16:18:28-05:00August 6th, 2012|Education|Comments Off on Stress Management
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