Conover Online is a perfect fit for your ESSER I, II, and III funding

Conover Online is a perfect fit for your ESSER I, II, and III funding

All Conover Online programs align with the requirements of all COVID relief funding in multiple areas. Use your COVID Relief funding today to set your school up for years of success.

How Covid Relief Funding Works

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act, and American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act were signed into law to address the impact of COVID-19 on the United States. A large portion of the funding in these bills was dedicated to helping American schools deal with the challenges caused by COVID-19.

Here is a breakdown of funds available to educators:

$30.75 billion to the Education Stabilization Fund $81.9 billion (to the Education Stabilization Fund $168.1 billion to the Education Stabilization Fund
$13.2 billion (ESSER) $54.3 billion (ESSER II) $122.8 billion (ESSER III)
$14 billion (HEER) $22 billion (HEER) $40 billion (HEER)
$3 billion (GEER) $4 billion (GEER) $2.7 billion (GEER)

ESSER = Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund
GEER = Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund
HEER = Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund
IDEA = Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

How ESSER I,II, & III Funding is Distributed

The majority of the COVID relief funding will be distributed through the Title I formula. The Governor’s Relief funding will be distributed in a similar manner through LEAs.

  1. State Education Agencies (SEAs) propose plans to Department of Education (DOE)
  2. DOE approves plans and distributes funds to SEAs
  3. Local Education Agencies (LEAs) submit proposals to SEAs for spending funds
  4. SEAs approve plans and distribute funds to LEAs

SEAs must award the funds within one year of receiving them!

To find out if your organization has received funding or to apply for funding, check with your LEA. Here is a list of funding provided to states.

How You Can Use COVID Relief Funding Effectively

Funds may be used for any allowable use under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), Carl D. Perkins Career and Technology Education Act and Adult Education and Family Literacy Act.

Funds should also be used for specific criteria laid out in the bills. There are broad guidelines as to how educators can spend COVID relief funding but states such as Wisconsin have put together helpful guide to navigate the unique requirements of the different bills for ESSER fund uses.

Conover Online meets the requirements of all COVID relief funding in multiple areas. Here’s how:

Focus Requirement Our Correlation
Addressing Long-term School Closure  Virtual course access and turnkey system of all digital tools and platforms to run courses, option to leverage statewide educator pool or utilizing locally trained educators Conover has been an industry leader in distance learning curriculum for over 10 years. All of our programs can be used in the classroom, hybrid, or remote. 
Educational Technology  “Purchasing educational technology, which could include hardware, software, and connectivity, for students served by the LEA that aids in regular, substantive educational interaction between students and educators, including low-income students and students with disabilities.” Conover Online is completely web-based software.
Outreach & Service Delivery to Special Populations  “Activities that address unique needs of low-income children or students, children with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, students experiencing homelessness, and foster care youths, including how outreach and service delivery will meet the needs of each population.” Our Functional Skills program is the most comprehensive life skills and SEL program on the market, specifically designed for special populations and can be used in-person, hybrid, or fully remote. 
Addressing Afterschool and Summer Learning “Planning and implementing summer learning and supplemental afterschool program activities, including providing classroom instruction or online learning during the summer months and addressing the needs of low-income students, students with disabilities, English learners, migrant students, students experiencing homelessness, and children in foster care.” Our career exploration program MECA and our evidence-based SEL assessments in Conover Online are designed to be used anytime, anywhere making them perfect for after school or summer programs. 
Mental Health Services and Supports “Providing mental health services and supports, including through the implementation of evidence-based full-service community schools.” Our comprehensive SEL assessments and curriculum covers critical mental health topics such as Anxiety Management, Anger Management, emotional intelligence and much more.

Important Note: ESSER III requirements state that 20% of a district’s allocation must be utilized to address learning loss

Conover ESSER fund approved programs

    • MECA System
    • Anger Management
    • Anxiety Management
    • Bullying Prevention
    • Personal Responsibility
    • Success Profiler
    • Winning Colors
    • Workplace Readiness
    • Soft Skills Resources (Instructor-led)
    • Functional Skills
    • Life Skills Resources (Instructor-led)

Important Funding Deadlines

  • ESSER funds must be encumbered by 9/30/2022.
  • ESSER II funds must be encumbered by 9/30/2023.
  • ESSER III funds must be encumbered by 9/30/2024.

Use your COVID Relief funding wisely! Feel free to use the above information into your grant application and proposal writing.

Schedule a call now to learn more about how Conover Online can help your school thrive for years to come, no matter the situation.

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