Functional Skills System®
An online program that uses video modeling to help learners function independently in their homes, schools, communities and workplaces.
Functional Skills System®
An online program that uses video modeling to help learners function independently in their homes, schools, communities and workplaces.
When we think about independent living, we sometimes forget that tasks we consider basic can be challenging for others. For some, going on a shopping trip, using basic literacy skills, understanding how to act appropriately, or transitioning from school to adult life are very challenging tasks. The Functional Skills System provides easy to understand information that allows learners to become more capable of functioning independently in their homes, schools, communities and workplaces.
The Functional Skills System not only assesses and teaches independent living skills, but because the system is cloud-based, you can actually take it with you. Because the system works on smart phones and tablets, you can actually pull up the videos wherever you are, opening new doors for freedom and independence.
Some Quick Facts
Video Modeling Done Right
The entire Functional Skills System is based on the concept of video modeling, where users watch someone do the desired behavior and then they do it. Using real videos makes for quicker generalization of the concepts being taught, and with a video library of over 3,500 videos to choose from, there’s something for everyone. Whether the user needs help with basic signs & words, hygiene, grooming, dress, social skills, or even core vocabulary, our system uses real-life video (not cartoons, drawings, animations or symbols) to communicate the concept clearly and effectively.
Research-Based Effectiveness
Video modeling is the process of repeatedly observing appropriate language and behavior in real-life situations on a screen and then using this new behavior in real-life situations. The past 40 years have seen the concept of modeling grow into an evidence-based practice that is supported with extensive research showing real promise for teaching individuals with significant disabilities.
Different Skill Levels
There are three skill levels to our Functional Skills System. Level 1 is our Signs and Words Series SWS. This is our most basic program design. Level 2 is our How to Series HTS. This is our intermediate level programs. Level 3 is our Learning Activity Series LAS and this is the most advanced series of programs in our Functional Skills System.
LEVEL 1 – Signs and Words Series (SWS)
The Signs and Words Series (basic level) teaches what various signs and words mean. What should one do when seeing a sign or word?
LEVEL 2 – How to Series (HTS)
The How To Series (intermediate level) teaches how to do various activities. Tasks are broken into a sequence of steps performed in a set order. These tasks are all video based and are perfect for learners that can benefit from a video modeling approach to learning.
LEVEL 3 – Learning Activity Series (LAS)
The Learning Activity Series (advanced level) takes our How-to-Series (HTS) to the next level. This series is targeted towards higher level functioning life skills learners. It incorporates interactive lessons based upon video modeling.
Do you want to see these programs in action? Sign up for a free trial.
We have helped over 13,000 organizations to help millions of people maximize their personal and professional success with our easy-to-use online assessment and skill building tools in Conover Online.