Getting each client you work with the skills they need to successfully find work and provide for their family can be a difficult and time consuming task. When you add all your additional responsibilities and the reporting requirements, it can feel like the entire system is working against you.
And in the back of your head, there’s a nagging question that simply won’t go away:
Are you 100% sure you’re putting your clients in the best possible position to succeed??
The Unique Challenges You Face in Helping Your Clients Succeed
We can help you overcome these obstacles so your staff can do what they do best: prepare your clients for success in the workplace – to the best of their ability, and without needless distraction.
Some of the places Conover tools are used

“As you know, we are using the Conover program in our weekly workshops. One of my clients in the workshop today shared that he got a job and continued to say he felt that half of it was due to the assistance he has been receiving from the program. He stated more specifically that half of it was due to the guidance he received through the “Preparing For The Interview” segment of the Conover Workplace Readiness series.”
What’s Included in Conover Online
Why Conover Online Works – 4 Steps to Improving Outcomes

1. Conover Online quickly and accurately assesses the needs of the clients you work with.
Clearly understanding your own abilities is the first step in any self-improvement journey. Being able to accurately and honestly assess the abilities of your clients can be difficult, which is where an evidence-based assessment system like Conover Online can help establish a solid baseline.

2. The management systems analyzes the data and identifies the areas of need for each individual in your program.
Once you know where the individuals you work with stand, you can see clearly what they need to change or improve to achieve their employment goals. The right assessment tool can give you the data you need to pinpoint exactly what the individual needs to do in order to get and keep the job they want.

3. Each individual receives a custom success plan (with integrated basic skills training) tailored to their specific needs which Conover Online automatically delivers.
Each individual works on their individualized skill development plan independently, developing the essential skills they will need to get and keep a job. Conover Online delivers the instruction automatically based on their assessment results, using video-modeling to effectively teach the skills they need.

4. Your individuals get the skills they need to be successful and you look like a genius.
Conover Online delivers the customized skills development plans to the individuals that you work with and the data you need to know that it’s working. Their skill development is tracked in an online management system so you can see live updates of their progress and feel confident you’re helping them to be successful – in the workplace and beyond.
If you need to deliver research-based assessment and provide instruction to help your clients reach their full potential, Conover Online is for you.
Don’t let things continue to be harder than they need to be. Stop wondering if your clients are getting the training they need to be successful. Get rid of the stress that comes from having to manually collect and manage data for accountability reporting.
We can help you win back time by simplifying the assessment process, allowing you to connect basic skills to integrated learning pathways while meeting your reporting requirements with the click of a button.
Go from stressed out and overwhelmed to calm, confident, knowing that you put your clients in the best possible position to get a good paying job!