Do you hear excuses from your program participants?

  • I don’t know how to do that.
  • No one ever taught me.
  • I don’t have the time to do that.
  • It is too difficult.

You hear these and many more excuses all the time. What do they all have in common? These are all statements saying why it is not their fault that they did not complete their work. Excuses are a feeling of hopelessness and an indication of a victim mentality.

The victim mentality rests on three key beliefs:

  • Procrastination 
    Any efforts to create change will fail, so there’s no point in trying.
  • Blame  
    Other people or circumstances are to blame.
  • Victim Thinking
    Bad things happen and any efforts to create change will fail, so there’s no point in trying.

How do you turn around the vicious cycle of procrastination – blame – victim thinking?  One way to do this is to help your program participants set and achieve their goals and they all have goals.

At Conover Company we have, for over four decades, researched and developed a proven system of goal setting by addressing the key emotional intelligence skills needed to overcome the victim thinking process.

Here is a link to our Personal Responsibility 4 page brochure:

Want to learn more?

Here is a link to my webinar demo calendar:

Looking forward to hearing from you today.